A NSW Government website

Boards & Committees

Woolomin War Memorial Hall Land Manager

March 14, 2025 08:41 am
Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure - Crown Land - Planning
April 23, 2025 05:00pm


The Woolomin War Memorial Hall Land Manager manages the Reserve No. 78226 at Woolomin notified on 23-Dec-1955 for Children's Playground, Reserve No. 600008 at Woolomin notified on 18-Apr-1952 for War Memorial. The term of appointment will be for a period not exceeding 5 years.

Ever wondered who is responsible for keeping Crown reserves operating?

Countless facilities like showgrounds, local halls and parks are run by Statutory Land Manager Boards, made up of people just like you. People who understand the need and have a desire to manage public land and assets for the benefit of the entire community.

Your role as a Board Member is voluntary, but the rewards of giving something back to the community are priceless.

We are looking for a good mix of people with a variety of skills, however, sound business and financial management skills and objective decision-making expertise would be a distinct advantage.

Don’t let this opportunity to do something for yourself and your community pass you by – contact us today.


How To Apply

Application for membership can be made via https://portal.crownland.nsw.gov.au

All applications are required to be lodged by 23-Apr-2025.

For further information contact Joanne Marshall on 02 6763 3026 or go to https://reservemanager.crownland.nsw.gov.au


Enquiries To

Joanne Marshall on 0267633026 or at [email protected]